Tuesday, December 14, 2010

C 3- Circle Cycle Change!


  • Research- Example of C3 in science, math, writing and the arts!
  • Blog
  • Discuss
  • Create

Examples of Blog entries for C3:




Example os Videos for C3:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Cranes Cranes Cranes!

1000 Wishes:
There is a legend that says: Any person who folds a thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish!
Write a blog about a fable.

Write a Haiku:
Slowly, graceful wings
Softly touch the still water.

Crane Dance!
Choreograph a Crane sequence.

So we will make a thousand origami-s as a group.
Our collected wish is: “This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world.”
You are to make 6 origami cranes or swans or stars-
On one side you will write your wish (only one personal wish) on the other side you can have a print or a design.

how to fold an origami bird base from josey on Vimeo.

How to fold an origami paper crane from josey on Vimeo.

how to fold an origami lucky (puffy) star from josey on Vimeo.

Friday, September 10, 2010

10 x 10 Self-Portrait !

10 Digital Images and/or Audio
10 Seconds for each display

Use a presentation software of your choice, such as Power-Point, i-movie, Movie maker, keynote etc...

Monday, August 30, 2010

New-Works Assignments

1. Journal.
2. Comment on blog
3. Prepare Group Presentation on Space!
4. Final Presentation on Film.

Space project at work:

A Short-Animation by Christian Vasquez

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nu-Works Happenings!

What is a happening?
A happening is a planned event that bring creative people together for an event or a gathering or a performance or a situation! A Happening can happen anywhere!

Quad Time from The Joy of Box on Vimeo.

Performance from Lee Seul Ah on Vimeo.

Forget Me Not - Air Scheme Channel 4 from Mew Lab on Vimeo.

Brainstorm from Jorge Feres on Vimeo.

Echo Chamber installation at Blikopener 2007 from Dieter Vandoren on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 15, 2010