Monday, August 30, 2010

New-Works Assignments

1. Journal.
2. Comment on blog
3. Prepare Group Presentation on Space!
4. Final Presentation on Film.

Space project at work:

A Short-Animation by Christian Vasquez

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nu-Works Happenings!

What is a happening?
A happening is a planned event that bring creative people together for an event or a gathering or a performance or a situation! A Happening can happen anywhere!

Quad Time from The Joy of Box on Vimeo.

Performance from Lee Seul Ah on Vimeo.

Forget Me Not - Air Scheme Channel 4 from Mew Lab on Vimeo.

Brainstorm from Jorge Feres on Vimeo.

Echo Chamber installation at Blikopener 2007 from Dieter Vandoren on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 15, 2010